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State of the Art Research

When your business deals with a highly specialized field or topic that was not often addressed previously, in particular, those that involve geometry, you might encounter problems that have not been solved before. In these cases, there is no ready-made solutions or existing code available online, and you might face a lot of unknown challenges.


To tackle such issues, you need to conduct research, which could involve reading scientific papers, breaking down the problem into smaller parts, and trying out new ideas. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and it can be unpredictable, but there are ways to optimize the process.


Based on my extensive research experience in academia, I have dealt with creating solutions from scratch, conducting experiments, writing tests, coding prototypes, and brainstorming. Some experiments did not work out, but others led to valuable results and publications. I have gained the know-how to find new solutions efficiently, write robust prototype code, and embrace the iterative process of testing, failing, and starting all over again until success — a valuable skill learned from the world of research.

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