Over nearly three years, I actively contributed to the open-source CGAL library (Computational Geometry Algorithms Library). My initial encounter with CGAL was during my internship at Inria in 2013, within the Titane team where I was supervised by Pierre Alliez and David Bommes. During this time, we developed the inaugural version of the 2D Generalized Barycentric Coordinates package for CGAL. Later, in 2019, I joined GeometryFactory, where I worked on various geometric tasks heavily involving CGAL. This included the addition of multiple new packages and substantial contributions to existing packages.
New version of the 2D Generalized Barycentric Coordinates package with the most common 2D generalized barycentric coordinate functions.
New Weight Interface package with some common weighting functions.
New generalized Region Growing algorithm as part of the Shape Detection package that enables to grow arbitrary-shape regions given user-defined constraints. That can be used to detect such shapes as lines, planes, circles, and others.
New Shape Regularization package that enables to regularize segments, lines, and polygons both in 2D and 3D.
Smaller contributions to polygon mesh processing, urban reconstruction, and other packages / features.
Work with:
Pierre Alliez, David Bommes, Simon Giraudot, Thien Hoang, Gennadii Sytov, et al.